CRYSTAL OF THE WEEK // Sunshine Spirit Quartz
“Sunshine Spirit Quartz gives us back our pep and removes our fear towards the unknown.”
Life is in perpetual evolution. Everything ebbs and flows. Information and experience come in like waves washing out what was once there creating the perfect canvas for us to reconstruct. "Keep growing," it says, "keep tapping into your creativity, transform this nothingness into something and then do it again!" Only challenging experiences encourage growth, without them, we fall stagnant and forget our ability to keep dancing with life.
Dazzling us with rays of bright clarity, Sunshine Spirit Quartz transforms our energy. It gives us back our pep and removes our fear towards the unknown. Illuminating the complexity of natural order, it encourages us to connect with each other and find innovative and compassionate ways to co-exist, to co-create for the good of all.
Embrace the message of this stone with a simple crystal gazing morning prayer. Set it by an eastern facing window and look upon it while meditating. Allow each breath in to be a prayer for peace, love, and health to all of creation. Each breath out an expression of gratitude for life itself. Let its gentle rays hug you back.