CRYSTAL OF THE WEEK // Chrysocolla
“Chrysocolla reminds us that our hearts are a window to the bigger view.”
Days have blurred into weeks, weeks into months, and months into something unknown. We hold fast to our daily routines that provide a small respite, a tiny dose of structure so we can remember what day it even is. The details have become so important and so distracting!
What if we could see life from a different vantage point—see it from the space above and far beyond—would our inner perceptions change? Chrysocolla reminds us that our hearts are a window to the bigger view, it provides the space for extensive reflection. When you can see the whole picture everything begins to make sense.
Open this cosmic window by sitting still in your most comfortable meditative pose with a piece of Chrysocolla near your body. With eyes closed take a deep, deep breath in and feel the immense expansion of your soul as you turn your gaze inward to watch with gentle reverence, feeling simultaneously as small as a tiny spec of dust and as immense as the entirety of the universe.