CRYSTAL OF THE WEEK // Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls
“Quartz singing bowls take their shape in the tonal vibration most supportive of the collective need.”
Each of us has a unique vibration created by our response to the experiences of our life—emotions, triumphs, traumas, and growth provide the information directing that frequency. Individually and collectively we are resonating, sharing that energetic imprint with others and our surroundings.
Envision the experiences of our collective emanating into Mother Earth who in turn receives our vibration with pure compassion and responds by creating natural allies in all forms - plants, minerals, weather, creatures big and small. A beautiful example of this is the Quartz singing bowls that take their shape in the tonal vibration most supportive of the collective need.
What crystal song most needs to be sung these days for you and for humanity? Gently strike the bowl and let Mother Earth’s voice sing healing directly into every cell of your body. Feel your vibration lighten with infinite peace and love.