CRYSTAL OF THE WEEK // Orange Selenite
“Orange Selenite gently nudges its way in to support us in healing these old wounds…”
Experiences we thought had been processed or carefully compartmentalized so as not to interfere with our lives, pop up out of nowhere in a surge of emotion triggering deep wounds. Balance shaken and our minds cloudy, we respond out of pain and fear.
Orange Selenite gently nudges its way in to support us in healing these old wounds by transforming the anger, sadness, and painful energies into opportunities of compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and love. It offers us a fork in the road. One full of greater self-awareness, self-esteem, and stronger willpower, where we are emboldened to move from our wounds and take a new path.
Rest a palm stone of Orange Selenite gently on your heart chakra. As you breathe, allow the warm breeze of energy to pulse through your body carrying away what’s no longer serving, creating space for forgiveness, and providing a spring to your step.