“Sulfur takes our hand and draws us deep within ourselves to see all the beauty in who we are.”
〰️ SULFUR 〰️
With all the Virgo energy present this week, we may find ourselves getting stuck in an overly critical internal dialogue loop and reliving past moments where we should have done this or that. While reflection is necessary for growth, we must be careful to keep our vision empowered and balanced with gratitude and acceptance to keep moving forward.
Sulfur comes to support us with its strong detoxifying energy. It clears away the thoughts and emotions that act as a barrier to our progress. It takes our hand and draws us deep within ourselves to see all the beauty in who we are. Illuminating all the parts -- those we love and those that bring us shame -- reenergizing our internal fire and uncovering our higher purpose.
Practice sulfur stone gazing to let this powerful cleansing stone work its magic. Set the stone 3 - 5 feet away and find a comfortable seat. Allow your eyes to settle on the stone and begin to breathe rhythmically, breathing to the beat of your own internal drum. Keep this up for a few minutes at least, going for as long as feel right for you. In your own time, allow your eyes to close and visualize the bright yellow light sweeping through your body clearing you out for some new delight!