CRYSTAL OF THE WEEK // Spirit Quartz
“Spirit Quartz harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit allowing us to live and share our calling.”
When the sky is gray we often find ourselves feeling low and pensive. Retreating in an unable to move as freely as one would desire. Have you ever noticed though, that gray deepens the glow of the rainbow around it? Colors seem to pop! We also are able to see life with greater depth.
There’s nothing like a gray day to help us align more purely with our inner spirit and working with Spirit Quartz is the perfect ally too. This stone purifies our auras, brings peace of mind and freedom from fear, and revitalizes the body’s energy. It harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit allowing us to live and share our calling.
Let it stoke your inner fire, awaken your sense of purpose, and align your soul simply by humming a little tune to yourself with a piece of Spirit Quartz resting gently on your Solar Plexus. Watch the colors of your spirit pop!