“Scolecite takes the chaos and splashes it with LOVE!”
What do we do when chaos seems to reign, scattering our energies in all directions, distracting and distancing us from what truly matters most? Our hearts feel heavy. Our mind feels lethargic. We feel pulled from all our limbs unable to move at all…
Turning towards Scolecite can offer us the answer. It brings us stillness, it brings us peace. It transforms that heavy pull into an opportunity for openness. It takes the chaos and splashes it with LOVE so we may see it as random moments of spontaneity that offer deeper connection and joy.
Allow Scolecite to gently relax your energy by keeping a small pebble stone in your pocket. Whenever life feels all over the place hold it in your hand, take a breath, and let yourself be filled with pure serenity. Exponentially expand this practice by spontaneously gifting another your pocket stone and watch the harmony radiate.