
“Hiddenite expands the heart, invigorates the soul, deepens the breath, and gives the “oomph” to help us emerge from our chrysalis ready for whatever life blow our way.”


We often wish for easier situations. Ones that promise less pain, less frustration, less difficulty, less loss. We focus more on what we do not want and how it affects us rather than appreciating the transformation that is occurring and surrendering to the process. Butterflies, too, must put forth great effort as they emerge from their chrysalis in order to build the strength within their wings so they may fly. Without this challenging experience they will not survive. Like them, our own transformation is catalyzed by the experiences of our life and how we rise to the occasion. It’s not necessarily a quick process, but a determined one. 

Hiddenite is a heart expanding stone that invigorates our souls, deepens our breaths, and gives us the oomph for one more push to help us emerge from our own chrysalis ready for whatever life blow our way. It reminds us also that life is precious and takes resiliency to survive, yet we are built to do so. 

Whenever you feel like you’ve had enough and cannot go on, or like everything is just too much, call in the energy of Hiddenite to remind you of your strength and your imminent transformation. Place a stone on your heart or cupped gently in your hands while you take deep, rhythmic breaths for counts of 5. Remember to take your time, take it slow if needed, and remember these challenging experiences are preparing you to fly. 


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